Dr. Julie Daugherty is a board certified Nurse Practitioner, Clinician/Scientist who has specialty training in Otolaryngology and Allergy and Immunology. Dr. Daughterty received her training at the University of South Florida where she completed her PhD in Nursing Science. She has been a practicing Nurse Practitioner since 2006 and has held academic appointments since 2015.
Dr. Daugherty’s fellowship focus was in Otolaryngology, where she received many awards and honors for her work furthering the study of diseases and processes in this field. Dr. Daugherty is widely published for her work in ear disease.
Dr. Daugherty specializes in diseases affecting the ears, sinus, and throat and has an extensive background in allergy and immunology. She works with our physicians and audiology team to provide a comprehensive approach to addressing functional diseases that affect the senses and activities of eating, drinking, speaking, breathing, swallowing and hearing.
If you are interested in making an appointment with Dr. Daugherty, or would like additional information about our practice, please contact our East Boynton Beach and West Boynton Beach - Light offices at 561-737-8584.